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Cupola CX

Pronounced: koo-puh-luh


Customer Experiences

to New Heights

A cupola is the highest point on a building,

allowing you to see farther into the distance.

Who We Are

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After 20 years as a customer experience (CX) consultant & executive,

across a variety of industries, Sarah Andrews founded Cupola CX

to help CX leaders design & implement strategies

to improve their customer retention.

Having sat in the seat herself, she knows what it takes

to design an ideal customer experience &

engage employees in the CX strategy & ongoing work.

Sarah is a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP) through the CXPA.

You can find Sarah’s weekly CX tips on LinkedIn

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What We Do

  1. Cupola CX partners with organizations to conduct a customer ​experience (CX) audit - identifying your CX strengths & ​opportunities
  2. We’ll work together to create a customized roadmap - building ​a comprehensive CX strategy
  3. You’ll receive support on how to successfully implement your ​CX roadmap & tie your work to the overall company goals

What is a Customer Experience Audit?

Organizations with strong CX programs show high levels of maturity ​in the following CX pillars:

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Cupola CX reviews your organization’s CX activities & conducts leadership interviews ​to assess your current maturity in each pillar. Audit results are used to create a ​customized CX roadmap - advancing your CX program maturity.

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Who We Serve

Are you overwhelmed trying to solve your organization’s

customer challenges? Are you unsure of where to begin?

Cupola CX has expertise helping these industries improve their experiences:

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Why Customer Experience Matters



Of customers would stop doing business with an organization after one bad experience (PwC)



of executives feel their current CX program has considerable revenue & market risks (Forbes)

How do you feel when you think about your favorite local coffee shop?

Healthcare provider? Retailer?

Respected. Valued. Happy. Understood.

They listened to you & delivered on their brand promises.

This is because they made it easy for you to do business with them.

You can have these same customer outcomes, too.

 Cupola CX partners with you to create a customer experience

strategy that connects with people and inspires loyalty.

Setup a call today to learn more.



Improved customer loyalty by delivering personalized CX (Deloitte)



More likely to spend money due to receiving clear communication (Forrester)

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What We Stand For


Why we exist

To improve experiences with connection & empathy - building stronger relationships & brand loyalty.


Where we're headed

To create experience advocates - people who design & execute encounters that matter


How we serve

Connection - Empathy

Initiative - Achievement

Reliability - Community

“How did you come up with the name Cupola CX?”

In honor of Sarah’s Swedish heritage, the company value “connection” in Swedish translates to koppla.

This created a link to the English spelling, cupola.

A cupola is the highest point on a building, allowing you to see farther into the distance.

Cupola CX elevates your customer experience strategies, helping your organization reach new heights.

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Additional Customer Experience (CX) ​Packages

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  • Review of your organization's current CX practices, strategies, & culture to highlight strengths & opportunities

  • Deliverable: Custom action plan to drive your CX strategy



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  • Audit & gap assessment of your current approaches to gathering customer feedback

  • Deliverable: Comprehensive listening strategy that maximizes customer feedback to drive CX improvement



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  • Facilitate a cross-functional team workshop that dives deep into customer wants & needs

  • Deliverable: Playbook of defined customer personas to deliver an empathetic customer experience
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  • Evaluate progress on your current CX goals & identify crucial cross-functional partnerships for success

  • Deliverable: Comprehensive two year roadmap - including level of complexity, dependencies, & key outcomes



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  • Lead a cross-functional team workshop outlining customer interactions from areas of delight to friction

  • Deliverable: Detailed customer journey map with improvement priorities to fix the moments that matter



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  • A full experience audit & vision exercise to understand current & desired future states

  • Deliverables: Clearly defined vision, customer journeys, roadmap, & tactics to foster an optimal CX



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  • Structures to support an internal culture that supports CX through collaboration & a common vision

  • Deliverables: Internal processes, resources, & templates to build a strong customer-focused culture

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  • Leverage CX expertise & business experience to inform your decision-making

  • Deliverable: Personalized CX coaching to empower you to execute your CX vision & strategy

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  • Leverage an experienced CX leader to get your team on the right track. We will build your CX strategy & provide a succession plan for long-term success

  • Deliverable: Hours/week as needed

All packages are custom scoped to fit your organization's unique needs.

Need something outside of what's listed above? Reach out to see how we can help.

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2024 Cupola CX All rights reserved.